Most of the people tend to focus on protein, carbohydrates and fat for building bodies and forget the importance of fibre in diet. Avoiding essential fibre can be a big pitfall for those who are in quest of gaining muscles. The Proteins, carbohydrates and fat though provides fuel and energy to gain muscle mass but the dietary fibre plays an equally important role in carrying away the waste by-products created by these foods. However if the waste tend to accumulate in the body, they can lead to poor health caused by increase in fat of the body.

Importance of dietary fibre

Realizing the importance of fibre in diet, the science of building great bodies needs to be understood here. We lift heavy weights and tend to do it progressively, which results in wear and tear in our muscles.  In order to repair these muscles, our body secretes GH (Growth Hormone) which subsequently increases our strength and muscle mass. This is often referred to as anabolic metabolism of our body to constantly repair our damaged muscles. This Anabolic stage leads to production of waste and their by-products that can only be bypassed from our body by adding fibre rich foods in our diet.

Understanding the types of fibres best suited for your goal

Our bodies aren`t designed to absorb fibres; hence the fibre we eat has been excreted out of the bodies. So what is the use of eating fibre rich foods? Wait here and try to understand the point rather being the slave of selective learning. The fibre eaten excretes out of body but carrying together the excess nutrients and metabolic waste that was excreted out in the bile by our body. If at that time, the waste is not carrying the fibre then it will partially reabsorbed again by our bodies which will lead to waste accumulation.

There are different types of fibres available in our high fibre diet plans that provide different and important health benefits. Consuming dietary fibres of various varieties not only helps you to gain health benefits but also helps you to keep regular and going. Considering variety of fibres, these can be classified into two categories.

choosing different fibres

  • Soluble Fibre: The dietary fibres which can get dissolve in water to form gel like substance falls in the category of soluble fibre. The health benefits of soluble fibre include slowing down the release of blood sugar to act upon ingested food. Slower release of blood sugar in turn helps in regulating bad cholesterol (LDL), heart health and proves a great aid in type 2 diabetes.

Soluble Fibre should be incorporated in diet plans can help feel your stomach fuller for longer intervals. People undergoing with the weight loss program can include soluble fibres for weight loss as it can lead them with a feeling of being full for a longer period after their ingestion and help overcome the food cravings.

Also read our guide on how to lose weight with top best suited Fat Burner

  • Insoluble Fibres: The gut healthy fibres are commonly referred to as insoluble fibres. Providing a Laxative effect with an insoluble nature, they help prevent the condition of constipation. This fibre when introduced into the body passes away the gastrointestinal system keeping them intact which helps our bodies to flush away the waste relatively faster.

Being a powerful GI Tract Stimulant, dieticians often advise to include these dietary fibres to keep you regular and going.  These fibres are considered very effective in the curing the digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diverticulosis.

After getting an insight into types of dietary fibres, you might be interested to know best fibre rich foods and the sources of both soluble and insoluble fibres.

                          Soluble Fibres                             Insoluble Fibres
Oatmeal Whole Wheat
Cereals Brown Rice
Lentils Wheat Bran
Strawberries Brown Bread
Oranges Broccoli
Flaxseeds Cabbage
Nuts Onions
Pysllium Tomato
Cucumber Green Bark
Carrots Grapes
Celery Whole Grains

Side Effects of consuming Dietary Fibre

The good is always cherished but you should also be aware of the bad too. Consumption of High Fibre Foods is a good habit but if it is consumed in excess, it can lead to serious health risks. Know the risks before you get seriously ill.

  1. Constipation: The excess fibre consumed in the body can cause you to suffer constipation. The best possible solution to this problem is to keep your system moving. Consume ample fluids to get the intestines work properly and nothing but the water proves best here to do the task.
  2. Intestinal Gas and Blockage: This situation occurs in the case when you consume a lot of fibre in one go, which further creates bloating and flatulence. In extreme cases, it can also lead to intestinal blockage. The best advice here is to plan your fibre diet and not to eat the entire daily dose in single meal.
  3. Diarrhoea: To avail the health benefits of dietary fibres, you increase the consumption of the fibre too suddenly and you end up with diarrhoea. Not letting your body properly adjust to the increased dose of fibre, it will increase the excretion speed of the ingested food and you end up to the situation of diarrhoea. Go slow and let your body adapt the intake first.
  4. Cramping: The fibre is not  broken down by the body. And, if you eat too much fibre, your food digestion can go slow or even come to a halt. This situation leads to bloating in your gut and cramping occurs.

Also read: Cure Abdominal Bloating by natural remedies

Catch our Top 10 tips to stay healthy

Timing is the key to your goal: How to incorporate high Fibre rich foods in your diet?

Knowing all the basics of dietary fibre, you need to incorporate high fibre rich foods in your meals. Also, you can maximise the health benefits of the dietary fibre by planning them properly with your meals. It is good if you know the best time to eat fibre. Let us constitute some of the important notes here.

when to eat fibre

  1. Eating fibre between two consecutive meals will reap more health benefits as you give a proper time for your digestive system to act smartly. It is always a good idea to evenly space your meals.
  2. There is no exact science or theory which can clearly state how much fibre per day? Or, how much the amount of fibre should a person ingest? The amount can differ in individuals depending upon their physical workouts and lifestyle. The amount of fibre based on a 2000 calorie diet for a healthy male would come under 30 grams and for a female, it is 25 grams according to a U.S. based research in 2010.
  3. If a person is on a high calorie diet, say 5000 calories a day doesn`t mean that he should ingest 75 grams of fibre necessarily. However if you want to exceed the amount of ingested fibre, try adding more fibre to your diet slowly.
  4. Eating around 5 grams of fibres between two consecutive meals comprised of proteins, carbohydrates and fats will help your body absorb proper nutrients and get the waste by-products away from your body.
  5. Your post workout meal shouldn`t contain foods related to dietary fibres as after an intense workout, your body needs a quick replenishment of nutrients that are consumed during the workout. Dietary Fibres consumed in post workout meal can hinder your recovery process as it may hinder with eaten food and limit body to absorb proper nutrients.

Fibre is an essential part of your balanced diet to keep you healthy and keep moving. Getting enough and proper fibre in your diet will keep your digestive system in sound play. Realizing the importance of dietary fibre, include this in your diet with other important macro nutrients

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